Timeline/Ableton/Midi Question

create synch shows with video, audio and lights

Timeline/Ableton/Midi Question

Postby BandofGold » 12 January 2017, 21:04

I have created clicks, backing tracks, and midi triggers with Showxpress timeline and Ableton and a lot of the time, it syncs perfectly but sometimes there is a lag while the timeline loads the song. When this happens, light cues run a little behind. Is there a better way? I have been using these steps:

1. In Ableton, I import wav file, record cues, a click track, and back tracks (hand claps, etc.)
2. Export wav file from Ableton and import it into timeline
3. Create light show in timeline and set up a flash midi trigger for timeline
4. Delete wav file from timeline and ableton
5. Insert midi trigger in Ableton

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you in advance!

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Joined: 12 January 2017, 20:50

Re: Timeline/Ableton/Midi Question

Postby support » 15 January 2017, 18:16

What order of magnitude for this lag ?
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

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