Creating and Exporting a new fixture

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Creating and Exporting a new fixture

Postby djdad » 03 March 2020, 23:00

Excuse me if this is already covered, searched a bit but didnt find any related answer.
I am trying to find the proper procedure when creating a new fixture.

Example. I have created a lightshow named as Test1 and adding simple RGB fixtures. The models i have in the default list probably dont match so i created a fixture with name MyFix with just R, G and B channels. In the View tab of the fixture window, i need to provide some pictures. I am good with the default offered in the 3D view, but i need to provide a custom png image for the 2D view.
The default path offered when i open the dialog is C:\Program Files\SweetLight\TheLightingController\2dview_fixtures_pictures and this is a folder that requires Admin privileges and not meant to be used to add/remove/edit files whatsoever. So probably my png needs to be saved elsewhere. Where is best ?
Now, in order the my custom image to be exported and imported along with the Lightshow on another computer, which folder should i use and except Save, do i need to also "Export" and to which folder and with what name ?
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Re: Creating and Exporting a new fixture

Postby support » 04 March 2020, 09:27

The "load 2DView thumbnail" button opens by default the folder "../YourSoftware/TheLightingController/2dview_fixtures_pictures", because this is the location of all DMX fixtures thumbnails.
When you chose a file from this location, the relative path is stored, so the lightshow remains compatible after been exported.
But the relative path is possible only with one location, which means the thumbnail must be stored in the default folder.
Sorry for that.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

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