Version 7 Alpha 2 is ready (Artnet and Midi output)

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Version 7 Alpha 2 is ready (Artnet and Midi output)

Postby support » 26 May 2014, 08:00

Midi output
To control the LEDs (motorised faders, ...) of your Midi surface control device
To enable Midi input/output: menu "File > Preferences > Other"

One usb to 512 dmx channels interface gives one Artnet universe
To enable Artnet: menu "File > Preferences > Network"
To enter Artnet IP address in Editor > Fixtures: right click over the fixture and select "Artnet IP address"
To enter Artnet IP address in Pixels: right click over the fixture and select "Fixture Properties"

- keys F2 to F5 to toggle betweens tabs.
- in Editor possibility to adjust the height of the faders section.
- in Live, the maximum number of columns per page is 50 (it was 20 before)

And several other small things.

We will certainly not add any new features in V7, until we release a "stable" version.
Next version should be "beta".
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

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