Crossfade between random buttons/scenes on the IR Remote

usb to dmx - internal calendar - remote controller sensor (2009 - 2019)

Crossfade between random buttons/scenes on the IR Remote

Postby EHall-512 » 06 February 2014, 19:11

I'm putting together a lighting show for a theater setup using the 512 plus with the IR Remote in standalone mode to trigger each scene that goes with each act but the acts are random in timing so we have no control over how long each act will take. And on some nights the act order is changed up a little so the buttons on the remote will not be pressed/selected in order 1 through 18.

I'm trying to find a solution to having a crossfade between scenes when I randomly select buttons on the IR Remote. The crossfade needs to happen when random buttons (1 through 18) are selected. As an example when I go from button 1 to button 5 it gives me a hard snap to the next colour/scene (no crossfade). And if I'm on button 1 and I press button 1 again it snaps to black (no fade to black).

What I'd ideally like is a crossfade between any random button/scene selection on the IR Remote without having the hard snap from colour to colour / scene to scene.

What I could live with is if the same button is pressed a second time it would fade to black (not the hard snap to blackout), and if that's possible, I'd just program all the buttons/scenes to fade in from black.

The hard snaps to black and/or between random scene/button selections using the IR Remote are the issue and I can't seem to find a solution anywhere on the net.

The show is in a week so any help would be much appreciated.
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Joined: 06 February 2014, 18:33

Re: Crossfade between random buttons/scenes on the IR Remote

Postby support » 06 February 2014, 22:12

It is presently not possible to do that.

But we have a beta firmware which is doing crossfade between scenes.
We double-check this, and we come back to you.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Crossfade between random buttons/scenes on the IR Remote

Postby EHall-512 » 07 February 2014, 05:41

Thanks for your fast reply.

Do you know when and if I could load the firmware within the next week? The Whole idea of being able to have the crossfade between random button sections will make this a ready good alternative for live theater use.

I hope this firmware update is ready soon. Do you have an estimated time on when it will be available for public use?
Posts: 3
Joined: 06 February 2014, 18:33

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